v0.1.17 - fix error on empty JSON-RPC result v0.1.15 - fixed up the case for TV episodes where you have more than 1 file for a given season/episode of a TV show (thx jparyani) v0.1.14 - fixed script error on empty library v0.1.13 - fixed use title instead of label v0.1.12 - use title instead of label v0.1.11 - fixed episode and season thumb not set in some occasions - use json module on systems with python 2.7 or up v0.1.10 - fetch all episodes in a single query - only query for season thumbs when strictly needed v0.1.9 - improved updating performance v0.1.8 - script will now update only if necessary v0.1.7 - ignore possible unicode errors - stop previous script instance if a new one is created v0.1.6 - daemonize script and update properties after playback ended/stopped notification v0.1.5 - fix previous fix v0.1.4 - fixed: script didn't add episode if xbmc didn't return a playdate for the previous episode v0.1.3 - fix crash when user has no music database v0.1.2 - added path property for albums v0.1.1 - added most played albums v0.1.0 - initial release v0.0.5 (beta 5) - allow script to be called with options v0.0.4 (beta 4) - add rating property for movies and episodes v0.0.3 (beta 3) - add support for movies - re-wrote code - renamed window properties - clean quotes and returns - add studio property for episodes v0.0.2 (beta 2) - changed: use 2 digit season and episode numbers - added: EpisodeNo property (sxxexx) - fixed: partially watched episode didn't show up if it was the first episode of season 1 - added: IsResumable property for partially watched indication - added: tv show thumbnail - added: season thumbnail v0.0.1 (beta 1) - initial beta